Five of the world’s plant species are at risk of extinction as a result of the destruction of the natural world.
Category: Environment

Lantana, Threat To Rural Livelihoods … Need for Ecological Restoration
Pastures are dwindling as indigenous grasses and trees are swallowed. The invasive alien species ruthlessly stretches its legs into the valley, which has been a guarantor of a reliable food supply system for the community

Veld fires, urban communities at risk
The theme for this year’s (2021) National Fire Week commemorations is ‘Veld Fires and Food Security – Protect the harvest”. The theme aims at encouraging farmers to protect their harvests through veld fire prevention andmanagement.

Perspective: Understanding Rural People’s Vulnerability to Climate Change
The United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal number 13 is Climate Action. The goal aims at encouraging urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.

Nyangambe Community Wildlife Conservation Project, A Success Story
The community wildlife conservation programme has not only solved human-wildlife conflicts, but has also become a source of revenue and an example of how communities can take a lead in the sustainable management of wildlife resources.

Climate Change: Women’s Vulnerability, a Cause for Concern
Extreme climatic events have become prevalent in Zimbabwe’s predominantly semi-arid environment. It was Cyclone Dineo in 2017 which directly affected over 130 000people across the country.

Wetlands and Water . . . Inseparable for life
The Word Wetlands Day is celebrated on the 2nd of February every year, marking the date of the adoption of the Convention on Wetlands. The Convention was adopted on the 2nd of February 1971 at the Iranian city of Ramsar.

National Tree Planting Day . . . baobab, Tree of The Year
Every year, the Forestry Commission declares a specific tree as the Tree of The Year which is actually an indigenous tree with potential significance to the socio-economic well-being of the country

New ‘home’ for Rocky the orphaned rhino
Running hilariously and strengthening his bond with his friend Esther, Rocky now spends days out in the woods with his special protection unit.

Zimbabwe suffers the brunt of climate change
Zimbabwe is one the countries suffering the brunt of climate change in Africa. The country has not been spared from the adverse effects of climate change which include frequent droughts and tropical cyclones.