Like taunts from an invisible mocker…

Julius Machiri: ‘I wonder in you’
The squadron to the east performing a battle drill,
Each a tickling stitch that makes me feel

Climate Change: Women’s Vulnerability, a Cause for Concern
Extreme climatic events have become prevalent in Zimbabwe’s predominantly semi-arid environment. It was Cyclone Dineo in 2017 which directly affected over 130 000people across the country.

Airborne Technology in Agriculture: The Need for Officers to be Technically Equipped
Climate change has affected food production in recent years, yet population growth has increased the demand for food. Farmers need to produce more food than before. Large scale commercial farming has had negative impacts on the environment and arable land is becoming scarce as global population grows.

Portia Tshuma Moyo: Done and Dusted
My name is Portia Tshuma Moyo, also known as PoshMagolide. I am a counsellor and HIV tester with the love of sign language interpreting

Urban Agriculture: Threat to Water Quality, Aesthetic Value
Dry thickets were hewn, maize stalks cleared into heaps and urban veld burnt in preparation for planting. Now we are in the middle of the cropping season.

Timukudzeishe Gumbo Biography
My name is Timukudzeishe Gumbo. I was born on the 5th of July 1998. I did my primary education at the following schools; Mupagamuri Primary School in Chivi and Masvingo Primary School in Mberengwa.

Poetry: I am no God
Definite Tennyson famously known as the Millennium Legend is the founder of Board of Poetry International.

Mjabulisi Juggles Theatre and Poetry
Zwelithini Dlamini attended Luveve High School in Bulawayo, and it is during his high school when the poetic journey started. He is a poet and a comedian

Animal Sanctuaries, Wonderment to the Wanderer
Imagine that emotional response of awe, wonderment to the wanderer and that sensual awakening on a sunny Saturday or a coffee flavouring overcast Sunday.