Philani Mathuthu was born on 27 March 1989 in Gwanda in a village called Gwakwe.

Incessant Rains Leave Communal Farmers Counting Losses
When the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO)released its long-range forecast results, in October 2020, the news of the La Nina phenomenon brought joy to farmers in Zimbabwe who had endured the poor harvests of the 2019/20 cropping season.

Poetry: Falls, the tree
We were all alert when the tree fell

Wetlands and Water . . . Inseparable for life
The Word Wetlands Day is celebrated on the 2nd of February every year, marking the date of the adoption of the Convention on Wetlands. The Convention was adopted on the 2nd of February 1971 at the Iranian city of Ramsar.

115 cases test positive for the novel virus
ZIMBABWE’s Covid-19 fatalities have reached 1 217 since the outbreak of the novel virus which has claimed over 2 200 000 lives globally.

Before one dismisses polygamy as evil, he or she has to first understand the terms ‘polygamy’ and ‘evil’.

Poetry: Brokenhearted
When I closed my eyes, I felt his touch,
When I opened my eyes, I saw nothing but space,
When I looked at my body, I saw his prints

Poetry: Ours
This life we live,
pretends to be ours

Woza valentine
Kwanele Khumalo better known as Mntungwa kaMbulazi or Kwanele Mntungwa is a poet from Plumtree. He was born on 08 June 1997 in Filabusi, Insiza District